Sunday School

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Every Sunday until February 25, 2024

9:30am – 10:15am

Category: Christian Education


Sunday School for ages 2 through adults at 9:30 a.m. before the Worship Service.  Please join us!


2 - 3 Year Olds (Nursery Class):  God's Story Bible  (Great Commission)

Children in the nursery during the Sunday School hour will have a short Bible lesson and some play time. We will be using the God's Story Bible Coloring Book from Great Commission Publications. Each lesson includes a Bible verse or passage that emphasizes Bible truths through the reading of God's word, fun activities, catechism questions, and a coloring sheet. 

The Sunday School curriculum for our K-5th grade classes is “Investigating God’s Word” from One Story Ministries. It is a 7-year, comprehensive, Christ-centered curriculum covering Genesis to Revelation in a systematic way. God’s Word is presented chronologically, demonstrating how all the stories and teaching of Scripture connect to one another historically.  Each lesson has a short introduction, review of previous learning, a vocabulary word of the week, historical context of the scripture covered that day, and then reading and investigation of the Bible passage. Each week, children receive a bookmark with that week's memory verse.

K - 1st Grade:     We currently do not have a need for a class for this age group.  Please see Melissa Hagan if you have a child in this age range and would like for them to attend Sunday School.

2nd - 3rd Grade:  2 Samuel 1-12 and 1 Chronicles 1-20   (One Story Ministries)

We’ll continue the story from 1 Samuel, recording how David became king of Israel after Saul’s death.  We will learn about the sovereignty of God in establishing the house of David and his reign.

4th - 5th Grade:  2 Kings 22-25; 2 Chronicles 34-36; Isaiah, Jeremiah, and 
                            Lamentations  (One Story Ministries)

We will continue to learn about Israel's kings, both good and bad, as well as God's prophets. In the prophets, we will be presented with words of God's judgment, as well as His grace. We will see how Judah is condemned for their rebellion and idolatry, but we will also learn of God's plan for the eventual restoration of Israel through the Messiah.


Middle School & High School (Gr. 6-12)         

The Youth Sunday School class will continue studying the Westminster Shorter Catechism, beginning with Q&A 63. A major focus of this section is the moral law and the Ten Commandments. The resource guide is G.I. Williamson’s The Westminster Shorter Catechism: For Study Classes. Parents are encouraged to discuss the weekly catechism assignment in advance of each session. Also, provided pocket guides will supplement class discussion, including proof texts and summary paragraphs for each Q&A.


Church History IV: Post-Reformation  

Separation from the Roman Catholic Church presented new opportunities for the post-Reformation church to press forward. Yet growing division among Protestants surfaced while the Enlightenment’s influence shifted medieval thought to modern thinking. In this twelve-lesson video course, Dr. W. Robert Godfrey surveys the history of the Reformed church in the English-speaking world and carefully examines the men used by God to prepare the ground for the First Great Awakening and beyond. You will study the Puritans from England to New England. You will also meet such notable figures as John and Charles Wesley, George Whitefield, and Jonathan Edwards. This course is part of Ligonier’s "A Survey of Church History" series.

J.C. Ryle's Holiness   

J.C. Ryle’s Holiness is an essential addition to any Christian’s library. J.C. Ryle was a Reformed  Anglican bishop (1816-1900) whom Desiring God refers to as the “Anglican Spurgeon.” In his most famous and influential work, Holiness, Ryle systematically unpacks a biblical and theologically rich understanding of this crucial component of the Christian life. Useful for study and devotions, this work unveils the relation of holiness to sin, sanctification, the Christian fight, and several other areas of spiritual life. The book itself will educate, convict, and encourage students to pursue holiness unto Christ, and this class will foster and guide discussion through this enduring treasure from the 19th century.