Christian Education
In keeping with Christ the Redeemer’s mission to study his Word and be a training ground for disciples of Jesus Christ, Christian education is a key priority. CTR offers all-year Sunday School prior to the worship service, from preschool through adults.
The Children’s Ministry aims to assist parents in the Christian nurture of our covenant children. CtR's newest class offering is for Nursery-aged children 2-3 years. Children through grade 5 use curriculum from One Story Ministries, a 7-year, comprehensive, Christ-centered curriculum covering Genesis to Revelation in a systematic way. Read more about this curriculum and our classes for children here.
Middle school age youth are currently studying the Westminster Shorter Cathecism, and high school students are doing a survey of the New Testament. More information is available here.
The Adult Sunday School is taught by a rotation of the elders, the pastors, and other teachers. The purpose is to provide theologically rich instruction and encourage discussion to grow and deepen our faith and love of Christ. The Sunday School offerings are 12 weeks in length, and the current offerings for this quarter can be found here.
Bible Studies
Christ the Redeemer offers two weekly Women's Bible Studies and a twice monthly Men’s Bible study. For information on current offerings, please visit the Events page and calendar.
Nursery is available during the worship service for children up to age 3.
Youth Group
Spiritual growth and a saving relationship with Jesus Christ are the desires for Christ the Redeemer’s children. Our youth – from middle school through high school – meet on Wednesday nights during the school year for a meal, a time of teaching and discussion to dive deeper into God’s Word, and also ‘hanging out’ and fellowship. They also can participate in service opportunities, and lively, bonding-oriented events (e.g., game nights, pool parties, lock-ins). SummerLink is the Heartland Presbytery’s youth summer camp each summer and CTR youth are eligible to attend. Contact Rev. Jason Wegener for more information.
Women’s Ministry
Christ the Redeemer women’s ministry seeks to glorify God by assisting women in fulfilling the Titus 2 mandate (Titus 2:1, 3-5), and to encourage one another in deepening our spiritual maturity. In addition to women’s Bible study, we gather for casual fellowship and outings to build friendships and grow closer as sisters in Christ.
Men's Fellowship Night
All CtR men are invited to come out on the third Thursday of each month for an evening of fellowship. Gatherings are held in homes or in a local restaurant.
Prayer Ministry
Christ the Redeemer has a quarterly dedicated Sunday evening dedicated prayer service, which coincides with a 30-hour prayer vigil where the congregation chooses one-hour slots to pray from home.
Second and Fourth Sundays Evening Gatherings
On the second and fourth Sunday evenings of each month, we gather for an hour for a time of singing, prayer, and teaching from one of CtR's pastors or elders or a guest speaker on a specific topic (e.g., church history, Covenant Theology). In the summer months we follow this time with cookouts. These evenings are a great opportunity for rich teaching which is also a fun event that is more informal and interactive in nature than our morning services.
Special Events
To mark Reformation Day in October, CTR hosts a memorable celebration for both adults and children with costumes, games and activities, and of course lots of great food. A children’s nativity pageant is held in December. For information on all CtR's upcoming events, please visit the Events page.
Vacation Bible School
CtR was excited to host our first VBS—The Scottish Sleuths & the Case of the Hidden Hero: A Study of the Book of Esther— this past June 5th-9th.