
SENIOR PASTOR   Rev. Jason Wegener, B.S., M.Div. 

Rev. Jason Wegener is the son of a preacher and grew up near Independence, KS. He was blessed to be raised in the church and came to faith at a young age. In 1989 he married his high-school sweetheart, Amy. In 1996, after living in various places early in their marriage, they settled in Wichita, KS. Here Jason worked in aircraft manufacturing for Boeing and Spirit AeroSystems. In 2009, Jason received his B.S. in Organizational Management and Leadership from Friends University.  


They were introduced to the Presbyterian Church in America in 2006 and came to know and love the people of a local congregation in Wichita, Heartland Community Church (PCA). There they grew in their faith and in their understanding of Reformed doctrines. As Jason saw the leadership of this church faithfully preach and disciple men and families with the Word of God, he again felt a call towards the ministry that had lain dormant for several years.  The Wegeners moved to Jackson, MS in 2012 so that Jason could attend Reformed Theological Seminary. While a student at RTS, Jason was blessed to serve as an intern at First Presbyterian Church, Jackson in Mission and Outreach, as well as in Congregational Care.

From 2017 to 2023, Jason served as the Associate Pastor of Discipleship and Pastoral Care at Christ Church in Katy, Texas. On November 19, 2023, Pastor Jason was installed as the Senior Pastor of Christ the Redeemer.

The Wegeners have been blessed with nine children (Josiah, Anne [Sinclair], John, Jeremiah, Abigayle [Clarke], Ashlynn [with the Lord], Alexis, Justice and Jackson) and seven grandchildren.

You can contact Rev. Wegener at jason.wegener@christtheredeemer-ls.org 



ASSISTANT PASTOR   Rev. Billy W. Hastings, B.A., M.B.A., M.Div. 

Rev. Billy Hastings grew up in Kansas City—a city which he deeply loves. It’s important to know that Billy loves Christ’s Church far more than this wonderful city. He is married to Bethanne and they have two sons. 


A covenant child of the church, Billy desires for our children to be equipped, catechized, and loving and reading God’s Word. Some find it interesting he is from many generations of Presbyterian pastors (back to Scotland). Billy took a circuitous route to finish his Master of Divinity (three seminaries in 10 years), most of which was while working. He has been a corporate manager, a domestic missionary with L’Abri Fellowship, and directed the work of a local homeless shelter before becoming a full-time high school business teacher and part-time pastor at Christ the Redeemer. Before seminary, Billy studied at University of Missouri–Kansas City and earned a B.A. in sociology and business, followed by a master of business administation degree.  He is currently working on doctoral studies (D.Min.) in reformed church planting and vitality at Birmingham Theological Seminary (seminary of Briarwood Presbyterian Church PCA)— something he would love to discuss with you!  Billy's prayer daily is that the Lord draws many into his Church and Kingdom across Lee’s Summit and the KC metro.

Feel free to reach out to Rev. Hastings: 



Christ the Redeemer is governed by a board of elders (“Session”), consisting of three lay (ruling) elders and teaching elders. 

The elders are voted into their office by the church members, according to the biblical qualifications described in Titus and 1 Timothy.  Christ the Redeemer’s elders serve as the shepherds of the church and look after members’ general spiritual care.  They also oversee the preaching and instruction of the Word of God, and the administration of the sacraments.


Along with elder, the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) recognizes the biblically-identified church office of deacon.  Our three CTR deacons, as per Acts 6, superintend the physical needs of the church, oversee the care of the property, and also serve as ministers of mercy to those who have special material needs within the body.