Pass it on

There was a song in the hymn book that I grew up with titled “Pass It On” by Kurt Kaiser. As I have been thinking about evangelism lately and the need to share the gospel with more people, this song came to my mind. The first verse went like this:
It only takes a spark, to get a fire going
And soon all those around, can warm up in its glowing
That’s how it is with God’s love
Once you’ve experienced it
You spread his love to everyone;
You want to pass it on
You know, it is easy to get caught up in tools and tactics when it comes to
evangelism. Some of these are quite good and helpful. However, I often find that the
deepest conversations and the ones that have the greatest impact are those in which I
simply share with others what God has done in my life and then point them to the life
changing words of scripture. It allows for real and honest conversation that is backed
with real life experience, my own plus the truth of God’s word.
Paul used this tactic often in his letters to the churches. Paul did not hide his
past. Far from it, he used it as a testimony to the grace of God and the effect the gospel
can have on someone. God so radically changed his life that he then shared it with
others. And it wasn’t out of a sense of compulsion or out of a sense of duty. It was an
overflowing of his own heart at what God had done. He wanted to pass it on and so
should we.
I want to challenge each one of us to see sharing the gospel in the same way.
Now, it is far easier to talk about real and personal matters with someone you have a
relationship with. I’m not discounting the need to get to know someone before you
share the gospel with them. But what I am saying is the gospel message should be a natural outpouring of your life. It should spread to all areas much like a fire as it
consumes a greater and greater pile of wood.
This does require us to understand the gospel and for it to be a central part of our
life. This means that we go beyond simply knowing what the gospel is. We should be
able to see and share how it shapes every aspect of who we are. It should come out in
how we conduct business, relate to our family, and speak to and about one another.
The good news of the saving grace of Jesus Christ should be a central part of
everything that we do. Only then will we be able to naturally pour it out in everyday
conversations with others.
So my second challenge to you is this: consider today where the gospel is
displayed in your life. Truly search your heart to see if you find it there. Ask someone
close to you to assess your life and let them tell you what they are seeing lately. This
can be a great conversation with a spouse or close friend. When we begin doing this to a greater and greater degree, we will see that the words to this song become more and more true of our lives. “That’s how it is with God’s love; Once you’ve experienced it; You spread his love to everyone; You want to pass it on.”
My prayer for each and everyone of you, myself included, is that you are so full of
the love of God that anyone who comes in contact with you should receive a taste of the
glory of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
In Christ,
Pastor Aaron Suber
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